If you are interested in serving in any of the open positions or would like more information, please contact President@RobinsonPTA.org
Descriptions of Open Positions
Historian: The historian prepares and updates a record of the activities and achievements of the PTA and makes historical facts available on request to the membership. The historian's formal written report is the official history, presented and adopted at the annual membership meeting and filed with the minutes Responsibilities include making note of RMS PTA awards and activities and working with the communications team to update the website/newsletters and prepare a brief final end-of-year report. This position can be done entirely remotely, for flexibility.
Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian advises the board and members on matters of parliamentary procedure, and serves as a consultant, especially in a meetings, where only the chair has the authority to rule on questions of order or to answer parliamentary inquiries. It is important that the Parliamentarian becomes familiar with the PTA by-laws and meeting procedures. This position does not require regular volunteer commitments but would be expected to attend monthly meetings when possible.
Marquee: The Marquee Chairperson periodically updates the school marquee sign with PTA and school reminders, news and announcements. This position requires the chairperson to learn the marquee software in the front office and make updates in it a few times per month. There is not a set schedule, though and could be done at the chairperson's availability (during school hours).
Community Outreach: The Community Outreach chairperson is responsible for organizing and communicating an annual Peanut Butter Drive and an annual Canned Food Drive. The Community Outreach chairperson will also stay in communication with the school counselors to help them communicate needs for the Counselor's Closet and solicit donations. This position could be done mostly remotely (with the exception of dropping off/picking up donation bins) or could be done on campus. The NJHS students are also typically asked to help with the various community outreach initiatives in exchange for volunteer service hours.
Socials & Events: The S&E chairperson helps the Volunteers VP during school-wide events (i.e. Hog Fest) with scheduling and coordinating volunteers for the event.
Office/Copy Coordinator: The Office/Copy chairperson stays in communication with the front office and staff about upcoming needs for help with copies or preparing materials for classes or school activities. When the office/staff need help with this, they will contact the Office/Copy chairperson who will secure volunteers and ensure the request is completed.
If you are interested in serving in any of these open positions or would like more information, please contact President@RobinsonPTA.org
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Friday, March 28
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PISD Council of PTAs