Wear those ID's!
9/17/2021 9:11 am
Student ID Badges
*Students who participated in the original picture day have all been given their student ID badges along with a lanyard and clear holder.
*Per PISD policy, students in 6-12 grade must wear a student ID on campus and school-sponsored and related events.
*Student lD badges must be worn on a neck lanyard outside the outer-most layer of clothing, with the front of the lD badge visible at all times.
*Students who forget their badge will be required to wear a temporary ID for the day. Lost badges can be replaced for a fee.
*Some student badges were printed with errors. The school is working with the photographer to get these corrected and replaced. Please ask your student to wear their current badge until we can swap them out.
*Students may substitute their own lanyard for the one provided. We will be selling customized Robinson lanyards next week (Tuesday and Thursday) during lunch for $5.00 cash only. See a picture here: https://drive.google.com/.../1zWjwP3VJHBA.../view
*Please help us help your student remember to wear their badge daily.

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