Reflections 2022-2023: Show Your Voice
9/19/2022 12:09 pm
Contact Krithika at
Remember, you must be a member of our PTA to participate!
Deadline: November 4, 2022
The art categories in Reflections are:
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts*
All Photography and Visual Arts should be submitted as a Hard Copy.
All the remaining 4 categories are submitted online in the link given below. Please send an email to Krithika -
after you submit your work.
Click the link below for online submission (ONLY: Dance, Film, Lit, Muisc Composition):
Please ensure you submit a Student Entry Form along with EACH of your work. As students may enter in more than 1 category, each item must be accompanied by an Entry Form which can be downloaded via the link below:
If you wish to download the category rules individually, they are linked below:
General Rules | English | Spanish |
Dance Choreography | English | Spanish |
Film Production | English| Spanish |
Literature | English | Spanish |
Music Composition | English | Spanish |
Photography | English | Spanish |
Visual Arts | English | Spanish |
Special Artist Rules | English | Spanish |
Single Page Rules | English | Spanish |
Student Entry Form | English | Spanish |
*Your work will not be considered if the Entry Form is not received.
The Visual Arts and Photography work should be submitted at the box placed in the front office starting Monday , October 31, 22
All the submissions are Due November 4 (Friday) 3.30p.m. No submission will be accepted beyond the mentioned date and time.
Entry Forms and Rules
Students should download the Program Rules to ensure their art meets the requirements for each art category. Each entry must be accompanied by a completed Student Entry form.
Student Program Rules Packet | English | Spanish |
Student Entry Form | English | Spanish |
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Plano ISD
PISD Parent Portal
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PISD Council of PTAs