2024 PTA Lifetime Member Recipients
4/15/2024 1:48 am
Congratulations to Our 2023-2024 PTA Life Members!!
Sadaf Abdullah
I am an intellectual property attorney and I currently work as the Director of Patent Assertion at the telecommunications company Ericsson. I am also an adjunct professor at a couple of local professional schools. In addition to my work and involvement with the PTA, I serve on our neighborhood's HOA board and on the boards of several professional organizations. In the bit of free time I have left over, I enjoy traveling with our family, listening to true crime podcasts, and riding my Peloton bike.
I am the Reflections Chair this year for the Robinson PTA. I have served as PTA President for 2023-2024 at Daffron Elementary and I was the VP of Communications prior to that. My PTA work has been one of the most rewarding experiences I've had as a mom. It is truly amazing how much our PTA supports our school and its activities, and I hope to help continue this strong tradition in the coming years. I have a seventh grader at Robinson, a 4th grader at Daffron, and a Kindergartener at Daffron. We are very committed to our schools' communities.
Alba Alfaro
My name is Alba Alfaro, I’ve been a PTA member for 18 years! I have had so many positions during this time and I have enjoyed every one of them, including campuses from Daffron, Robinson, Jasper and Plano West.
Currently, I am the PTA Community Outreach Chair and 8th grade celebration lead.
I’m honored to receive this Lifetime member award!
Lasma Jekabsone-Berrouet
Principal Lasma Jekabsone-Berrouet has 15 years of experience in education, including teaching math and serving as an assistant principal. During her first year as a principal Ms. Berrouet has focused on fostering positive school culture by building relationships, strengthening collaboration and setting high expectations for Robinson students and staff. She believes in a shared vision for student success and welcomes parent and community involvement.
Originally from Latvia, Ms. Berrouet pursued her undergraduate degree at Florida International University in Miami, Florida while playing college basketball and earned a Master’s in Mathematics from Texas A&M University in Central Texas. She holds Principal Certification from Lamar University. Personally, Ms. Berrouet enjoys family time with her husband and two sons, engaging in sports and travel.
This year, we are proud to award the Extended Service Awards for members who have served over 10 years in the PTA and their community.
Hoda Abdel-Ghani
I am Hoda Abdel-Ghani, the Special Education Department Head at Robinson Middle school, this is my ninth year at Robinson, my 21st year in PISD.
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- Wednesday, March 12
- Friday, March 28
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